I have felt a weight on my heart of late. That pressure that
ever so gently, but ever so firmly presses on the parts of my life that are in
need of transforming. It is to be expected I guess, when the Spirit of the King
resides within you. It is evidence
of my King shaping and changing me to something closer to his likeness, and
that is why I have joy. But as His fire burns and the dross of my life is
consumed, I groan because these changes are never without struggle and sacrifice.
But why does my heart react this way and resist these changes that He intends for
my ultimate Joy?
Why is my heart determined to set me on the path that leads
to death? My very being desires to follow temptation and repeat the same mistake
that my first parents made. But now here enters the struggle. Things are not as
they where when I was little. Now the truth, the mystery of the ages has been revealed
to me. I have been bought and paid for at the highest price. Now I can see the
path that leads to death. I have a choice; to follow or to rebel and see my self
in His place. His Spirit encourages me, desires for me to stay on the Kings
road, the true path. But my heart is not always so in sync with His.
But I do understand. My heart wants me to believe that it is
for my benefit, that it would be better to disregard my king and follow my own
path. It seems like selfishness, but how can it be? For it is my gain and never
my loss, to follow in the ways that my King desires. So I can only surmise that
it is because my heart desires nothing more than to commit treason against Him.
Madness and foolishness!
I know the truth.
I see the price at which I have been bought.
His love for me
so clearly displayed.
The ferociousness of his commitment to me.
And yet my heart still wishes to rebel!
But he has revealed to me the only way to change is through this struggle. So I welcome the fire to consume the parts of my heart that
still desire to be God. I need to understand that the instant I start to believe that I can
change those parts of me, I have failed. But as I continue on His road, and meet
these trials and struggles with Him. I have to remind myself and believe that He knows
better than my own heart does. And I embrace the freedom that this truth brings.
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